Датчик движения с камерой Ajax MotionCam, PhOD,Беспроводной, Jeweller, Белый 000027929

Код товара: 14-23662

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Intellect against false alarms

We have combined special optics with a software filter for false alarms in motion detectors. Along with a professional installation, it gives high detection accuracy.

Special lens

The pattern of the Fresnel lens sections is designed so that the diagrams of the infrared radiation of a human, an animal, and thermal noise have significant differences. Large sections of the lens capture radiation at the level of the head and torso of an adult. Smaller sections make the diagram more detailed. The MotionCam lens provides the detector with accurate information about the thermal object in the detection zone and the nature of its movement.

Professional installation

Installing the MotionCam in the right spot, at the optimum height, and perpendicular to the likely intrusion path ensures an informative thermal diagram. It significantly improves detection accuracy. Professional installation also makes the pet immunity feature more effective.

Filter for thermal interferences

The detector instantly analyzes the thermal diagram from the sensor: the infrared radiation intensity, the heat spot size, the motion speed, the time spent in the detection zone, and other parameters.
Ajax engineers have analyzed thousands of IR sensor triggerings caused by humans, animals, and thermal interference and developed SmartDetect. The software algorithm finds false alarm markers instantly and with high accuracy. As a result, the detector accurately responds to a human and does not bother the user with false alarms.

Temperature compensation

Temperature compensation is a software mechanism keeping the thermal diagram contrast even if the ambient temperature is close to the temperature of the human body.
With each ambient temperature measurement, the detector corrects the PIR sensor data according to the coefficient table stored in its memory. The detector is effective over the entire operating temperature range.

Sensitivity level

With the sensitivity setting, the detector adapts to the conditions of a particular room, considering possible thermal interference or pets. Changing the sensitivity setting affects the markers by which false alarms are filtered.
With low sensitivity, the detector is less likely to respond even to an active pet. And with high sensitivity, it will raise the alarm in case of any motion in the detection zone.
Sensitivity is configured in the Ajax app both on-site and remotely.

Peace of mind on demand

MotionCam (PhOD) needs only seconds to show the actual situation on the scene and dispel the user's doubts in case of an alarm. It takes a click in the Ajax app to take an on-demand photo. Also, the detector will automatically take a series of photos if it captures motion or when FireProtect or FireProtect Plus fire detector triggers.

Loved ones and valuables are under care

In case of any doubts, the system users can check what is happening on the spot. There is no need to wait for an alarm. Just open the app, select the detector, and see the situation at home in seconds.

Less false calls for fire brigades

According to statistics, almost half of fire alarms are false. Visual verification of fire alarms has already become a worldwide practice. MotionCam automatically takes the photos of the premice when the FireProtect or FireProtect Plus detectors trigger. The fire brigade monitoring station can receive the photos and assess the situation in seconds.

Less concern

Up to 70% of false alarms happen when disarming the security system. With MotionCam, system users and monitoring company operators can verify in seconds whether an alarm is real and respond accordingly.

More security

Both system users and a rapid response team need to clearly understand what happens on the scene in case of an alarm. MotionCam shows how many intruders are armed and whether they are still in the room. This will help a security company patrol prepare, and the users avoid danger.

Evidence in a smartphone

A series of animated photos provide the law enforcers with the description of intruders, no time wasted. MotionCam will capture them even in complete darkness, thanks to the IR backlight. The chances of catching burglars in the act increase.

Privacy as a top priority

MotionCam is designed to control security, not privacy. Photos are protected from prying eyes at the detector, system and software levels.

Unique wireless technologies

MotionCam Jeweller detector uses two radio protocols simultaneously: Jeweller to inform about alarms and Wings to transmit photos. Jeweller provides instant alarm delivery, while Wings delivers the first photo from the scene in just 9 seconds. Even with communication breakdowns and a weak signal. The communication range with the hub is up to 1,700 meters, so the detector can be easily installed where it will be the most effective.

ReX 2

ReX 2 range extender doubles the radio range up to 3,400 meters, while photos to verify alarms can be transmitted via the Ethernet cable**. Automatic signal strength adjustment and frame synchronization ensure that any number of system devices can be connected to ReX 2 without compromising communication reliability.
Ajax system supports connection of up to 5 range extenders with total coverage of up to 35 km2.

Тип:датчик движения
Предназначение: наружное применение
Совместимость:Ajax Hub, Ajax Hub Plus, Ajax ReX
Радио протокол:Jeweller, Wings
Радиочастота:868,0868,6 МГц, 868,7869,2 МГц
Тип сенсора:пироэлектрический сенсор
Тип установки:крепление на стену
Горизонтальный угол детектирования движения:105 °
Иммунитет от домашних животных до:80 см
Дальность выявления движения:3-15
Дальность передачи беспроводного сигнала:1700 м
Рабочее напряжение:3 В
Разрешение снимков:640 480
Дополнительно:сенсор температуры, защита от взлома тампером, оповещение о глушении, защита от саботажа, защита от подделки
Чувствительный элемент:температурный сенсор
Срок службы батареи:3 года
Рабочая влажность:до 95%
Срок службы устройства в типичных условиях:10 лет
Мощность радиосигнала:20
Модуляция радиосигнала:GFSK
Комплектация:датчик движения, крепежная панель SmartBracket, монтажный комплект, батарейка CR123A, инструкция, чердак Hood
Рекомендованная высота установки:0.8 м
Материал корпуса:пластик
Вес:470 г
Ширина:9 см
Высота:7 см
Глубина:14 см
Все характеристикиМеньше характеристик

* Характеристики и комплектация товара могут изменяться производителем без уведомления

* Внешний вид товара может отличаться от оригинала

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4130 грн. 5099 грн.
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Обмен/возврат неактивированного товара надлежащего качества в течение 14 дней. Срок гарантии уточняйте у менеджера.

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Доставка товара по территории Украины осуществляется с помощью транспортных компаний:  "Новая почта".

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При наличии претензий к внешнему виду и комплектности товара вы можете отказаться от его получения.


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Купить в кредит Датчик движения с камерой Ajax MotionCam, PhOD,Беспроводной, Jeweller, Белый 000027929

Цена: 4130 грн.

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